I have a new interview on the net! You can see it at http://www.sffworld.com/
In other news my publisher Cogwheel Press is working on a short story collection with all five Cogwheel Press authors. This should be coming out soon!
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My Steampunk Novel, Perpetual Motion, is now available in paperback and Kindle from Amazon! |
I have a new interview on the net! You can see it at http://www.sffworld.com/
In other news my publisher Cogwheel Press is working on a short story collection with all five Cogwheel Press authors. This should be coming out soon!
You can read a new book review of Perpetual Motion on Mary Pursselley’s blog at http://enterthewriterslair.blogspot.com/
There will also be an interview posted on October 25.
You can read my interview in the 9/25/13 edition of the Brattleboro Commons. Here is a link:
I’ll be a featured reader at the Brattleboro Literary Festival on October 6, 2013 at 1:15 at the River Garden in Brattleboro.
My book is now available in these bookstores: Everyone’s Books, Brattleboro; the Newfane Country Store; the Toadstool Bookstore in Keene, NH; the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester, VT; Bartleby’s Bookstore in Wilmington, VT; and Bear Bookstore in Montpelier, VT.
My steampunk novel Perpetual Motion is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. Here’s a link:
Jen Eifrig and I will be presenting “Victorian Technology and the Steampunk Vision” at a bookstore,
Books and Boos, in Colchester CT on September 15 at 6 PM. This illustrated presentation was a big hit at the
Waltham Steampunk Festival last May and we decided to take our show on the road.
You can also catch us on September 4 at the Forbes Library in Northampton MA at 7 PM.
Jen Eifrig and I will be presenters at the Waltham Steampunk Festival on May 11, 2013.
You can download a schedule of events at http://internationalsteampunkcitywaltham.org/WCF/schedule.html
Check out the following publications:
1. My novel, Perpetual Motion, is now available on Kindle from Amazon.com. The paperback version will be available later in 2013, probably by June.
2. Two of my poems were recently published by The Lyric in their Fall 2012 edition which arrived in December 2012.
Look for these upcoming publications:
1. My novel, Perpetual Motion, will be published by Cogwheel Press in 2013.